The Pasture exists to:
Share the Gospel with unbelievers
Equip the body of CHRIST (Christians)
Strengthen Christians to maturity in Christ
Celebrate the goodness of GOD with you.
Encourage Christians to not focus on their doctrinal differences, but rather unite as one body of CHRIST.
In fact, if we all focus on the undiluted, simple and beautiful Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, we won’t care so much about doctrinal differences that separate the body of CHRIST today.
Whether you are part of the Christian:
Alliance, Anglican, Baptist, Brethren, Catholic, Christian Reform, E-Free, Evangelical, Lutheran, Nazarene, Non-Denominational, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, United church, etc.
We all read the same Christian HOLY BIBLE!
The question is, how much do you focus on the WORD of GOD as being the absolute truth, rather than man made traditions? Read: What We Believe
The Goal:
Is to encourage you to know GOD through a relationship with JESUS, regardless of which Christian denomination you belong to and to live a life that is worthy of HIS calling.
Ephesians 3:19 (NLT) May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Who We Are:
We are a husband and wife team from Okotoks, Alberta Canada (originally from Burlington Ontario) who found JESUS in 1984 while in college. We were both brought up in strict religious churches that focused more on man made rules, rather than what it was to be a true “CHRISTIAN”!!!! It wasn’t until someone in college told us that JESUS died on the cross for us, and that to accept JESUS as our Lord and SAVIOUR was the only way to be reconciled to GOD and become TRUE Christians. So, we did! (It’s a good testimony that we will share one day.)
Are you:
• Solid and mature in the faith
• Hungry for GOD
• Not yet Christians
• Complacent
• Searching for deeper truth in the scriptures
• Fooled by false doctrine
• Of the belief that if they were good, they would go to heaven
• Taught man-made traditions rather than the GOSPEL
• Afraid to stand on the WORD of GOD
• Made to believe that the Priest, Pastor, Minister, etc. was the conduit between you and GOD
We are here to:
• Lead Christians to ‘Pastures’, where you can feed on the WORD of GOD
• Share the Gospel with unbelievers and lead them to relationship with JESUS
• Inspire the complacent
• Encourage Christians to be in deeper communion with GOD
• Tell them that we are all saved by GOD’s grace and not by any good deeds we do
• Embolden believers to stand on the uncompromised truth of GOD’s WORD
• Tell them that their relationship with GOD needs no human intermediary, and that they can have direct access to the Father, through HIS SON, JESUS CHRSIT.
John 14:6 (NLT) Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
Numbers 6:24-27 (NLT) ‘May the Lord bless you and protect you. 25 May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. 26 May the Lord show you his favour and give you his peace.’
God Bless you,
Fort and Athena